Dear Parishioners,
This weekend’s first reading from Genesis is psychedelic. Maybe we’ll play something from The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd while the lector is reading. “Hey You” from The Wall would be good too. It is a fitting tune to characterize the trance that Abraham falls into and the mysterious “smoking fire pot and flaming torch” that suddenly appear.
I do, seriously, like Pink Floyd, and particularly the song “Comfortably Numb.” The guitar solo is incredible. If we had pump-up music in the sacristy before Mass, that would be it for me. (I think Father Nick is a Nirvana fan, so maybe his would be “Lithium”?)
Comfortably Numb. Yes and no.
When we are praying, yes, we should, in a way, be comfortably numb. This would be more contemplative prayer. We don’t try to do too much when we pray – forcing thoughts, resolutions, even mental images – but rather receive in stillness and surrender from the Lord.
When we are striving to live the moral life, no, we should not be comfortably numb. We shouldn’t just go along with whatever society tells us to do, not work to combat temptations, not seek guidance, not resign ourselves to sin. Saint Paul, in our second reading from Philippians, gives us a description of those who are morally comfortably numb. “Their God is their stomach; their glory is their shame,” he says (Philippians 3:19).
Saint Peter and the others are comfortably numb in a good way when Jesus is transfigured. They are resting in a sort of contemplative prayer. But then they want to stay comfortably numb in a bad way, when they seek to build three tents and remain on the mountain, instead of going down to continue the mission.
Are you comfortably numb? I’m trying to be, in a good way. Please join me.
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Last weekend at the 10:30am UC Mass we held the Rite of Sending for the Rite of Election for our RCIA candidates. The people who will be entering fully the Catholic Church this Easter Vigil were present at Mass and then traveled down to Holy Name Cathedral afterwards for the Rite of Election with Bishop Casey. The individuals are: Jordan CeCe, James Commons, Lydia Foley, Kevan Kresl, Michael McCormack, Alex Prodanovic, Arthur Stultz, Marni Warner, Lauren West, Andrew Wilson, Travis Wittmeyer. A special thanks to Beshar Bahjat, who is in charge of RCIA and has done a great job organizing and leading the large group.
We continue with our Monday Evening of Prayer during Lent. Seminarian Martin Nyberg will be giving the reflection at 7pm this Monday, March 14th. We will also be hearing confessions beginning at 6:30pm. Looking ahead, on April 4th, 5th, and 6th, we will have an “area-wide” Lenten Reconciliation service. Confessions will be heard at Saint Paul on Monday, Our Lady of Ransom on Tuesday, and Mary, Seat of Wisdom and Our Lady of Hope on Wednesday.
Father Nick, Martin, and myself invite you all to our monthly “Coffee with the Priests” this Monday, March 14th at 9am in Duffin Hall.
The Respect Life Candlelight Rosary is this Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Upper Church. This is a beautiful service, if you’ve never attended before. Thank you to Cecilia Klein and the Respect Life committee for organizing this.
Also on Tuesday evening Grief Share returns. Please consider joining the group for support and prayer.
We’ve had a few slots open up in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Please see the bulletin for the openings and consider signing up so we can ensure all the spots are filled with adorers and we can continue to pray before the Lord.
Don’t forget to move your clocks forward one hour this Sunday, March 13th for daylight savings.
Finally, a reminder that next weekend, March 19-20, for our annual Lenten almsgiving project presentation, there will be no HFC Masses. All Masses will be in the UC. This is to help us maximize the visibility for this worthwhile project. I'm grateful to Catholic Extension and our own Social Services Ministry for making this opportunity available to the parish. Thank you for your generosity.
Yours in Christ,
Father James Wallace grew up in Winnetka, Illinois and attended Sts. Faith Hope and Charity grammar school, New Trier High School, and then The George Washington University in Washington DC, where he earned his undergraduate degree in Political Science in 2007. He attended seminary at The Pontifical North American College in Rome and was ordained a priest in 2012 for the Archdiocese of Chicago. In addition to being the pastor of Saint Paul of the Cross Parish, he serves as a canon lawyer for the Archdiocese, a dean in Vicariate II, and a professor of canon law and spiritual director at Mundelein Seminary. He is also one of the featured Mercy Home Sunday Mass celebrants, airing Sundays at 9:30am on WGN.
Phone: (847) 825-7605
6:25 am UC
8:30 am UC
8:30 am UC - weekday Mass
4:30 pm UC - vigil
7:30 am UC
9:00 am UC
10:30 am UC and HFC
12:00 pm UC